Dsf sample pack competition - 47

^100%. Farting out opinion-based commentary during the comp can influence voting and hurt morale (s’ok tho, I got over it.) :smirk_cat: Phig offered good feedback.

And yeah: how is it that some songs have substantially fewer listens but ppl are voting anyway?

This whole process is an excellent demonstration of why trying to engineer a perfect system [involving people] will always fail…

1 BigUp

it seems to be going well though overall :slight_smile: big up @tabasco for running this, been fun so far


You’re right. I should just be thankful we have these again.

I imagine it has to do with the song not catching the listeners attention fast enough. If I’m not intrigued or hear some potential within 15-20 seconds I’m just going to move on to the next one. I understand that this is a bad habit, but then again, I’m not joining the discussion with opinions based on that quick-listen.
But yeah, that, and when I see a song with more plays I imagine it’s more interesting seeing how more people listened to it - or at least listened to it long enough for their play to be counted in the total play count.

Final voting thread is up now;

People would need to listen first to discover whether a tune is interesting or not. Think ronzlo is saying people aren’t giving all tunes a listen first (even a cursory few seconds) before voting.

If that’s the case, I agree!

1 BigUp