DSF Sample Pack Contest 49: winner = Faultier

Long time lurker here ,after hearing the quality of these tracks ,I’m defiantly gonna give the next contest a go ,there all winners to me :joy: :joy:


I like this one…
Music For Film/video - a short video clip is selected and entrants must compose a piece of music for it


Last chance to dance boyos.
Get them last 3 votes in…

1 BigUp

yo amazing work everyone!

1 BigUp

announcing i won a contest i organized makes me feel like the democratic national commitee

big up everyone tho :hooligans:

i’ll let other contestants out themselves if they want to


Yes Iyah!! Second place. Chuffed with that. Mine was D.
Big up all the others.

Mine was B. Dont know what happened to the audio cuz it sounds fine on my computer and phone. Oh well, on to the next.

Congrats @faultier

1 BigUp

I was E.

@Hibbie that’s two for two where you’ve big upped my tune. Thanks man. Actually means a lot.

1 BigUp

A ere, ere A.

When’s the next one?

Down faultier as he won.

Will do. Big gulps on coming second G and faults for winning obvs


When’s next one dude?

1 BigUp

whenever guys, just need a concept? another potluck sample pack? some different scheme?

or we leave @MARSEN the privilege to make the sample pack for next one? seeing as he won previous one and didnt enjoy the privilege on account of going to vietnam


I’m happy whatever the decision is.

Yeah I’m down to make the pack/manage the contest depending on what it ends up being. Feel like the last couple have all been sample restrictions so maybe would be good to change it up, I kind of like the idea of choosing a short clip of something and everyone composing a song/audio to accompany it as well. Voting based on how well it matches up with the clip etc.?

Feel like I should suggest something for it so for no reason besides that it might be fun:

If you guys want to pick something shorter that’s understandable, if anyone has any other suggestions we could always vote on it


100% down for this idea!!

Just entering now but I am down for this too. When do we begin and what is the deadline date? Any rules?

I’m down to take part in whatever you guys decide on! Just let me know the rules, deadline and begin date and count me in!

So… anyone can use anything they have?

Not bitching but I like the ones based around extreme limitations, call me crazy. It’s just more satisfying to me. Also more democratic imho.

But whatevs.

EDIT: these have always been based around restrictions - one sample, limited pack, one synth plug, same bpm, etc. - I’m not opposed to changing things up but just wanna stay true to the original intent. Doing a score has its own constraints, but without any other limitations it’s a little closer to just “make a tune how you normally do” and that’s fine too - but less of a technical challenge and more about dialing into people’s’ tastes for the win.


ah yes, democracy, the infallible system that gave us hitler and trump :badteeth:

jk, kinda see your point (this being said, having tried to make scores for animated shorts my brother made, its def a challenge), we can mix it up, do a score with a limited set of samples or something?

seeing as it seems there’s a sustained interest in tunes making in this small group, in the beginning of tuna there was a weekly theme, maybe we can try that and revive tuna thread?

i miss the tuna thread tbh