Hessle Audio appreciation

New Hessle is throwback to golden era Hessle


True that. Still sounds fresh

1 BigUp

Sounds like it would be a bitch to mix


I try and listen to it from othet ppls perspective aswell like what you grandparents would hear it would sound like utter dogshit lol

i started listening from the middle of the tune and it sounded really bad to me, like straight disrespectful to music theory.

But when i played from the top it sounded amazing cause it eased me into that sound

Toumba is a class producer, glad he got a record signed to Hessle. Gonna batter my copy when I get home in a bit

@swerver - the kick that comes in at the start of the tune is always on the first beat so as long as you stay in time with that and don’t focus on how staggered everything else sounds you’d be fine


Your grandparents probably hate all the shite you listen to anyway

Ppl from that era were also horrendously racist/homophobic so not too worried about what they think is good.

1 BigUp

kinda like Cactus from Objekt

1 BigUp

Shanti Celeste got a coupla new tunes on Hessle

This release?


oh man shimmer is so good

the year is 2023 and im finding out about hessle releases 8 months after :clown_face:


Nice. I don’t use the Bandcamp app anymore and feel I’ve missed out on a ton of releases.

Fucking state of it

1 BigUp


The newish Pearson Sound is fire too, think it’s called Red Sky or something

Genuinely one of the best dubstep tunes I’ve heard in a while, gonna cop


Where the fuck have you all been

Get it back, though tbf for someone who used to be addicted to vinyl like it was crack it’s deffo not great if you’re trynna be careful with your spending :cornlol: