Production Competition - 001/DSF DUBSTEP

Yo if anyone can help me fix an audio issue, I can actually join in my own comp

I need some good dubstep examples tbh

I don’t really know much about this dubstep of which you speak

So many flavours!


Big chunes

You get reaper working @sleeps ?


Fuuuuuuck. No way can I compete with such arrangement genius


Yeah, you guys might as well uninstall.

1 BigUp

Nope :crying:

Whats it doing exactly? What happens when you export the audio? Does it still sound fucky?

All fixed. It was an audio device setting issue, Reaper had defaulted to the wrong device.

1 BigUp


1 BigUp

Got my drums and bass cooking, pretty happy with how it’s coming along. Anyone else making progress?

1 BigUp

i looped the sub with different notes in it, low passed it and added some fx. had that on loop for a while.

so no, not even close haha

1 BigUp

I got a vibe going, but it ain’t dubstep


Dubstep is as dubstep does

1 BigUp

That’s the only advice I’m afraid of! :corncry:

1 BigUp

Drums and drum arrangement + vox + one FX thing.
Not made anything since summer. Struggling :grimacing:

I never learned how to wobble

have you consulted this helpful graph?

1 BigUp

Now we’re cooking.
A few copy/pastes for arrangement, and then add some sugar and spice and I’m done.