Western Music Theory: How to apply it practically

This video explains chord progressions in a very straight-forward manner.

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So many teaching moments on this record :heart_eyes:

Some common rhythms.


You can combine any cluster of notes, but it’s good to have some sort of system behind. If you want that.


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Here’s a site with lots of training stuff. This section covers basic intervals.

Imo learning intervals is far more relevant and useful than fixed pitch identification for most musicians.

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I’ve never said anything else. Ear training for intervals is also possible ye.
Perfect pitch is for nerds in orchestras.

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Camille Bigeault explaining a 3 vs 4 vs 5 vs 7 polymeter, played in 16th notes.Some good insight.


Mad skills

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It’s indeed very impressive, but if you divide it up into smaller sections, and practice these separately (as she explains), it’s just a motoric exercise, really. Albeit a very confusing one.

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