Your Last Listen


A Fakear remix:

And another french remix there:

Hope you’ll enjoy !!

such a good tune this one. shame it never got released

This one with a SubPac S2 oh my…

Was recording some vinyl to mp3, last track happened to be DJ Oddz - Tha Trouble:

1 BigUp
1 BigUp

1 BigUp
1 BigUp

^ banger

Hey y’all. New member here. I’m listening to sunwalker’s mix on soundcloud. this chick is killin’ it. get hip before she blows up Grounded II: Introversion as Introspect

is she your girlfriend / sister / bff / bgf / relative / homie?

we go to Temple U together, and used to date. she’s not hip to forums so I made her this one to mess with when she gets back from an internship in fall