XY - Valentino Bosi

1 BigUp

You should be making music for scifi movies n shit. There was a lot of tension there. Like a dramatic scene. Very good production skills.

1 BigUp

That’s pretty sick, the only gripe I could have is that the drums aren’t punching out of the mix (relatively speaking) but it reminds me of this…

I got the CD lol
1 BigUp

People still use cds? :open_mouth:

You have no idea about my collection, definitely over 200 physical purchases of albums

I’m saying that like I’d buy singles :joy:

1 BigUp

Damn. So your like the vinyl collector for cds… More power to ya bro. They will be rare sometime in the near future probably

Gotta show some love and put the money where your mouth is if you like an artist

1 BigUp