10 dubstep "in work" track that i want some feedback from you guys

ok, so here is 9 dubstep tracks and one electro house track, that i need feedback from you. just be honest and tell everything that’s on your mind. keep in mind that those are all raw tracks and they ALL need a lot of work to get finished. (half of them have the same snare, some of them are empty, some of them has the basic “stupid” melody sound, some have used “popular” samples that will be replaced and a lot more).

i hope you’ll enjoy at least one out of those 10 tracks.

peace :v:


bit of advice, people are usually willing to give feedback on 1 or 2 tunes. far fewer people will be willing to sit down for 40 mins to listen to 10.

I can be bothered to spend maybe a maximum of 10 minutes listening to someones stuff, but 10 tunes which you already said need a load of work? that’s a lot of time to invest into something i might not like & that’s not finished.

I listened to the first 2 tracks and the percussion is really samey, doesnt change up or progress throughout either tune. also they both sound very similar. I’ll admit this kinda music isn’t my cup of tea but i think you need more progression in your tunes.

The first one is better than the second. the second gets so high pitched and noisey it becomes unpleasant to listen to.