~ Has to be at 100bpm: no specific genre constraints.
~ No external synths or sounds to be used… You can, however, feel free to use anything from this sample pack. All sampling methods are OK (incl. granular, spectral, etc.).
~ 5 min. song length max.
Been playing with SPEAR ( - some crazy shit it can do. I might not recommend it to a sampling beginner but oldhedz might wanna check it.
Yeah but that’s a lot of work but if I ever have the need to individually manipulate each and every frequency wave in a sound I know what to go for lol
Yeah, still just geeking, not sure what I’d use it for compositionally. Currently I use Paulstretch to extract simple tones for subs and pads, but this might be interesting to try for this comp.
i think the worms sample cycl is talking about is from goldeneye or another n64 game that i can’t remember the name of (female hero, first person shooter, a lot like goldeneye…)
but that whole pack was pitched up loads which is why it’s so worms like