Addison Groove Thread

Was just gonna make a post about this release but since there’s no 50 weapons thread or addison groove thread, though may as well just make one.

Anyway, I think the a-side of this is one of the biggest tunes I’ve heard in a long while, especially from the bass music / 130 etc side of things.

The only two tunes he should be fixing on releasing is quantum dream and tonkin’ delight thank you.

epiccentipede do us all a favor
stop posting


really feeling Addison Groove, tunes are running red hot, Youngsta been rinsing regular,
Dupla (or Doopluh or…) ‘get busy’ ‘bounce’ ‘but i love…’ or those may be from Lux Groove Five Four
these tunes fit so well together they just seem to evolve into one another kinda hard to tell where one starts and the other ends
and theres another serious one that Youngst hasn’t identified I’m guessing it’s the Groove of Addison, has the Bascom X Lonely Girl sample "got a call to daya aya ayaa knowing dat dis girl will come my way…to daya aya ayaa all my life i hope and pray’ @ 10:00 min into Youngsta 21st September 2015, what’s the tune?
crazy i can’t find mention of these chunes anywhere
Dupla has such a beautiful sentimental fleeting vocal sample


Been trying to hunt this track out and found your comment. Klose One been playing it too. Great tune. Hadn’t thought of it being Tony but you may be right !

how many times Youngst gona play Dupla before it drops

The tune you guys are describe is by Klose One & Claus, called “One One One”. I’m pretty sure I saw it for pre-order on some website recently. Can’t find it again though!

This is it. Thanks!