Not sure if I’ll cop, but this is sounding pretty good
Not sure if I’ll cop, but this is sounding pretty good
Yeh saw that will have a listen later (and probably buy)
A new Plantpower records!
that new versa just beautiful
Thanks so much for releasing all these Silkie. I’ve got such memories of walking around Glasgow at night listening to Anti-Social Rinse FM shows in like 2009/10, hearing all these tunes. Proper takes me back hearing them again. Gonna grab the lot when I next get paid. Big up.
allow the shameless self promo, put out a free EP on bandcamp
Nah fam, fuck free.
I ain’t got a lot but I dropped a couple Ps on it for a beer.
Sick tunes.
cheers m8, will drink to your good health
gonna be sticking this up on bc soon
New Slikback ep just dropped.
Pay what you want
Dirt sounds sick
Definitely my second favourite producer after Commodo.
it’s bandcamp friday