Sweet I got a bunch of stuff ready to pull the trigger on
Is BC Friday every Friday now?
not every friday afaik
few more…
Gonna sift through your purchases with some red wine and weed and then pony up for a few of my own wishlist items
Man that pugilist ep is mad
I love it, but it also stresses me out
hes dope
not sure what i think about this
Can’t quite figure out what the point of it is tbh.
Seems like everything they say they will be collab’ing with Epic on, are things they could surely achieve by themselves. It’s not like they’re a small fish in a big pond
Was just going to post this. Very strange indeed.
some points in there
i dont have an opinion yet, its probs all haram anyway
Wait so EG have BOUGHT bandcamp?
I thought they’d just invested resources and assets in each other or smth
That’s the news, yes.
I’ve not read about that part, only seen about them joining EG. I figured it was a joint venture thing. Why on earth would someone sell BC?!?
I’m not sure why they’ve chosen to do it, but I bet my ass some folks got rich the last week. I sincerely hope they don’t jump off the boat now and let EG deteriorate the platform.
BC is the last bastion of independent music. A platform that obviously and practically looks after it’s members is a rare thing
It’s the main platform I use for buying nowadays. Feels good to know people actually get some bare money.