DSF Dubstep Remix - Sample Pack Comp

Dubstep Remix

Theme: Dubstep
Deadline: 10/12/24
Rules: No synths, no drum machines. Use the samples provided ONLY

No restrictions on tempo, or the direction you wanna push the dubstep genre. PM your submissions before 10/13/24 your time zone. I’m lazy, so the pack is just a mish mash of previous competition samples.



@finji @cyclopian @Anecho @MARSEN @knobgoblin @Samuel_L_Damnson @Harkat @Lavek @Tolsof @Hibbie @_ronzlo @Paralytik @mks @Molzie @trudge @finji

1 BigUp

@faultier @topmo3 @swerver @syrup @lloydnoise @anon22530004 @butter_man @Pokus
@Dubstep_Warrior @Ryan @clone @polkaroo @Phigure @hubb @Stance_ReThinK


@redliner_headliner @Sac @Dat_Daxter @DJoe @Scrollock @Kushra_Producer

1 BigUp

So looks like I’ll be doing this in the studio today and save my ep-mastering sesh for the coming sunday.

1 BigUp

Deadline: 10/12/24
PM your submissions before 10/13/24

for non americans

so i think the deadline is 12/10/24
pm sub before 13/10/24? i think the deadline and pm got mixed up

Pm me your submission before October 13th, your timezone. So yeah, Oct 12 11:59 your timezone

1 BigUp

Anybody in on this? Pretty quiet in here…

1 BigUp

haven’t started yet but will do it. it feels like people don’t do these comps anymore due to not having the time or motivation

Yeah, depends on the competition. This ones a bit lame, ngl. Plus sleeps is better at hyping this up than me

<3 @Phigure


Not here v much anymore (again.)

Tune already started tho, got 32 bars. Definitely submitting one for this.

tbh the comps are the only thing that keeps me coming back cuz lately it sure ain’t the bants looool.


This pack’s kinda booty, ngl

1 BigUp

yeah man im struggling to make anything sound “good” lol

i dont hate it but the lack of kicks hurts

1 BigUp

Oops, I thought I through in some kicks besides the breaks lol.

1 BigUp

i’m breaking down samples and re processing into entirely different noises. finally got a decentish kick going. untill tomorrow when i change my mind

no synths though i’m not breaking the rules by resampling am i?