Dubs Etiquette

wondering, if someone sent you dubs do you think you’re then obliged to buy their release when it comes out and support them as an artist thru that?

or is your obligation settled just by playing it and promoing it to others that way?

don’t really have an opinion on this wondering your opinions

i assume generally people don’t, at least in dubstep

im not buying anything that i dont think is worth the money

call it a perk of being his friend

Depends what the format is. If they send you tunes then it’d be digital… so I wouldn’t then re-buy them when they come out. If vinyls an option I’d buy the vinyl.

If they kept back like 5-10 vinyls for friends and you received one you wouldn’t buy a new one would ya? If its about supporting the producer/label ask for their paypal and send them £10 or whatever.

This. I mean, if it’s sick/they’re good a friend, then I’ll buy it. But then again, most of the tunes I’ve had as dubs never got released anyway lol.

Not “obligated”, but I would. I think it works itself out usually. I mean I’d only keep it if I liked it anyway and wanted to support. 9 times out of 10 it’s being sent for the sole reason of promotion and playing out. If it does get a release it will likely be many months after and it’ll probably be an updated version in some way.

Gets a bit more interesting if you’re someone that cuts to dub though and spend a decent chunk out of your own pocket.

wtf why would I buy a record I get a free wav of from the artist themselves when I dont even buy records I DL illegally on the net

1 BigUp

buying music is so passe imo