Gear Lust Part 7

Extremely jealous in fact

My bad.

It is a Rane TTM56 mixer. I couldn’t remember the model number.

The turntables are Technic 1200 M3D’s. I’ve had them for a very long time. 24 years now.

1 BigUp

The 56 is nice too though

Looking for some advice here:

So I just got a second hardware reverb and now I have a delay and two reverbs. Before I was running an ext audio fx rack in ableton to the delay into 1 reverb and back into it all through 1 chain on my audio interface. (I only have enough ins and outs for 1 loop). Thing is the new reverb is only mono and the other fx are stereo, so setting them up in 1 chain wouldnt be ideal since I’ll lost the stereo of the other fx.

What kind of kit would you guys reccomend to be able to easily switch em around without having to constantly pick them up and fuck with the cables in the back? Is this where I should buy a patch bay? I was also considering getting some kind of small mixer setup where I could utilize sends and returns to choose which effect im using but again I think that brings the problem of losing stereo.

Get an interface with more inputs. 1 chain for the mono verb, 1 chain for stereo delay and verb.

The stereo one will probably need 2 outs, going back into 2 ins.

1 BigUp

^what he said.

A patchbay or submixer is also an option, but bear in mind you’re gonna have a bit of hum/line noise almost no matter what. It’s easier to handle it at the digital level (in the interface w/ DSP) than as an artifact left over after multiple cable swaps or whatnot. Buy the very best candles you can afford and leave em plugged in.

I’m reading the entire book of Acts today. Pam’s NEW Workout/ O_c / Tiptop Audio/ Octopus ting/ STO(p?) / cells/ pusherman= pictured accordingly

And the music he posts on yt… :heart:


1 BigUp
1 BigUp

I’ll remember to check those all out.

Started contemplating selling my DFAM and Eowave and put the money into an Elektron Octatrack.
Enjoyed the workflow on the Digitakt when I had one, but getting it to sync with ableton was a PIA.
The best option overall would be to just get an Octatrack and ditch the TR8S but that’s not an option atm.
Also I love (semi)modular setups so ideally I’d like a full modular system + an Octa but that’s more of a long term plan.

Thoughts? Anyone have made the switch to OT from other kind of synths?

1 BigUp

@knobgoblin is the resident Octatrack wizard (among other things) but he’s got a busy life atm so be patient.

EDIT: he’s actually locked out loool but I PM’d Phig so it’ll get sorted.

1 BigUp

I’m back bitches! Thanks ronz for relaying the message to the forum gods!

I would hold off for a couple months on any Elektron purchases. Digitakt has been quietly discontinued, so speculation is that they are announcing either a follow up sampler or a mk2 at Superbooth. What issues did you have getting Digitakt to sync with Ableton? For me Overbridge made sync pretty painless.


IIRC it would work seamlessly for the most part but I’d get jitter every now and then that would throw all the sync out of whack. Used Overbridge and audio over USB.

Also over the years I’ve come to miss the “ableton in a box” workflow, but long term I’m very much in the market for an Octatrack. My thoughts are that I’d be sort of missing the point of owning one if I don’t have any external gear to sample/resample on the fly

Welcome back lad

1 BigUp

Mac or PC? I assume you also made ableton master?
I’ve heard people having similar issues using PC and overbridge. I think restarting the device when that happens cleans things up. Generally should only be an issue when recording and committing what you’re working on to audio. Could do a safety restart when you’re ready to record.
Octatrack is awesome, but it has a lot of quirks and is pretty old at this point. I think holding off to see what Superbooth brings would be a good idea. There’s lots of speculation and rumors that their new thing might replace both Digitakt and Octatrack. Don’t remember which of you (@Paralytik) is friends with Cuckoo irl but may be worth asking him what he can say that won’t break NDA


Koala integration suddenly making the sp404mkII interesting again.

Lool wat