Gear Lust Part 7

I know. I’ll tell u what I didn’t like , the akai vx600. What a shitty sounding synth. Or at least annoying as fuck to programming anything good on.
Maybe I should do a list of synths I don’t like it would be much shorter ahahahaha.

Not big on the virus after a few goes. Maybe I was expecting a chunkier sound some how

Modulus 002 gets on my nerves although they keep fixing and updating it so its actually getting pretty fucking good.

Can’t think of any more

Tbh the modulus is fucking beast and really versatile I just am not huge on the way it looks.

Dude, straight up honestly, I didn’t know much about it, I knew it was some megasynth, I thought it was analog, I listened to demos of it, and I was like wtf that sounds like a shitty brittle digital synth. Go figure.

And watch it re the vx600, you’re getting a little close to home there, buddy.

Oh, and re the virus, you’ve really got to know the fucker to get the best out of it, and that is my critique of it. Not that it is incapable, but that half your synthesizing is making it sound good, and then get the sound into the timbre/shape you want. You’ve played other analogs, like those Junos, where you just press a key and it sounds good, just like right there, the sound is good. Then all you have to do is get your timbre and shape.

hmm yea maybe i need to mess with it more but id easily buy a juno before that. its so much less useful but damn the sound. even just a saw wave with nothing on it. :facepunch:

Mo’Keys is the shiz…for the price you can get 'em used…no reason to buy that fucking module…unless

A. You have an iPad.
B. Maybe if you have another MIDI controller.
C. You are just dead ass broke.

But honestly its SO much better with the knobz man… just be warned there is a ton of menu diving on the desktop module…

I’ve read statements that go along the lines of “modern classic” and “finest synth from moog since the mini” etc. If I had the money at hand it wouldn’t even be a question if I should get it or not.
I am seriously considering selling my iPhone 6+ just to finance a Sub 37. I’m rationalizing it by saying “fuck likes on instagram,what’s going to help me being more creative?” etc.

I’ve got Komplete 9 my self together with Monark. It’s good and all, but I don’t know. It’s something about the immediacy of having a real synth standing there, just screaming at you to touch it and fiddle with the knobs and get crazy creative. Also, the Sub 37 have patches, so if you ever fuck up or find something you like: zing!

I love Monark, but it will never be a Sub 37. Also iPhone 6 or Sub37 is a no brainer for me…SUB37

True, true! Also, yes: that’s the same thought that is more or less spreading into the “i love my phone” part of my brain like cancer. But you know what… I’m letting it happen and I’m looking forward to playing with my new synth within 6 months.

Ooohh I’d deffo get the keys. I love the interface and I hate menus on synths (except oberheims which for some reason is all a piece of piss, only one level to the menus). Just so good being able to tweak stuff in real time

I went from a Mopho Desktop to a MicroBrute (blargh…don’t waste your time)…to a Mo’Keys…it was a long as road to get here…but I’m absolutely in love with the Mo’Keys…

And the keys are actually legit…nicest keys I’ve owned…very fucking playble!

1 BigUp

Lol. I think it is rationalizing to think that instagram has any bearing whatsoever on your life.


What the fuck is instagram. Its like a picture thingy? I’m not evening joking I have like 15% of a clue…

Yeah, that is honestly true. But hey: it’s a fact that I enjoy taking pictures, putting some time and effort into the aesthetics of a photo. So likes = pat on the back = “this was nice, you know what you’re doing” or w/e. Perhaps the same thing as with plays and likes on Soundcloud. (Which is more important?!? <- just told my self that)

@fragments are you serious?
From wikipedia: "Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr."
Has more than 300 million active members, facebook bought it in 2012 etc.

And the after touch works really well

I mean, I knew it was a picture sharing…app (?) or whatever…but I’ve literally never been to the website (if there is one)…my only experience with it is seeing photos on facebook that my friends, apparently, also posted on instagram.

Besides the odd cat or concert picture now and then I’m not big on taking pictures. Facebook and forums are bad enough for me…I feel like all of them are that kinda thing that become a huge black hole that sucks up time and real time, real life social activities.

App/social network. I agree with it taking up some time though… It’s basically just another way of ‘staying in touch’ with people with similar tastes and interests (I follow a ton of synth-geeks on there) but you’re still just sitting there, in your apartment by yourself…
Personally I think it’s fun to have at your disposal at times when you spot an unusual motif etc. But this is getting very off topic… :stuck_out_tongue:

I gotta think long and hard on what I value most: owning a Sub 37 or having a fancy phone etc.

1 BigUp

That being said, I’m really wondering if I should go for the Elektron Analog Keys instead of the Sub 37.
While the Sub 37 is all good, fun, meaty, w/e, the Analog Keys seems to be waaay more versatile and flexible.

I know quite a few people who own the A4 or AKeys and they all swear by them…and from what I’ve heard from their demos I don’t think you’d be going wrong…its not going to sound like a Moog but Elektron surprised the hell out of me with pulling off a day fine analog with all the Elektron tricks up its sleeve…really Idon’t think you can wrong for the money there…

Does it? Have been heartily unimpressed by demo vids. You got a demo that does sounds you like?

Also, why do I not get updates… oh yeah, production posts go to my promotions folder. And my posts get emailed to me. I’m so glad this new system meets my needs so well.