Graphic Art & Design (Album Art, Design Projects, Jobs, etc.)

ive recently found a stack of the goblin records stickers (I know I was meant to post them, dont hate me my life is a shaken snowglobe for chaos lol)

all we need to do is add hair and lengthen the D

but sleeps, im sure you’d know something that’d look dope af printed through that. its not the v1200 which is what you see printed on the side of buses etc but still get some really good prints and it cuts to shape, even squiggly lines.

my guy was like bring designs and he’ll print em off


We got Goblin Plates stickers done???

Should get one of those ultra hi-res 8k 16 bajillion pixel images of the moon printed on it!

mate Ive got a stack of them I dug out the last few days. i got ppls addresses to send them but never did like some http flake. I am gonna send them out tho lol. got about 20 of them!
gonna start sending him designs to print just to have sick stickers. can do loads with colours but doesnt have enough shading pixels to do a bajillion moon unfornch

1 BigUp

Yeah put me down for a GP sticker!

1 BigUp

theres a small window of where Ill actually do shit cos not blazed twenny fo 7

soon as my bank card arrives Ill go buy stamps. losing my phone has fkin hobbled me

written off my mbp in fkin sppoooooojns

1 BigUp

Did u find your phone tho?

edit I didn’t read before I posted

no mate. itll drive me mad if I keep thinking about it. im just gonna keep on decorating renovating, removing and refining until it (doesnt) pop up.
got some family photos not backed up and obvs the cost to replace (it had been glitchy for last few months but still)
I cant get too frustrated tho as I have like a billion other woes and just need to be vibey mcvibing



Gay Penis?

I wont accept anything less

1 BigUp

Made l`il thing



Cyclopian had an avatar that looked like this.
Does anyone know where that avatar is from?

Ryan is cyclopian confirmed


Des des by shaign

I thought everyone knew

1 BigUp

Really struggled with Blender, liking your donuts :eyes:

1 BigUp



Synthesized speech and X-Y oscilloscope vector graphics.