mono compatability need help! please

i get this problem all the time in fl studio. maybe because i when i sound design like a wobble bass i will put chorus on it and phasers etc so it makes it mono incompatible but i dial less off the fx in untill its ok in mono. sometimes its mono compatible anyway i just got lucky with the phase shifts. but reverb fucks me up all the time but by me misunderstanding you about the reverb i got a way too fix it make 2 channels 1 in mono one in side. i think im misunderstanding something about mono and side though because you 2 havent come across the issues which is mind blowing too me. maybe reason has an automatic phase shift built in or something

its easy to put stuff in mono in fl every channel has a dial but when put into mono i lose some signal or sometimes its non existent i cant see how reason fix’s this automatically unless you guys are doing more efficient practises in mixing, processing, sound design etc. ive done some research and know how to negate this too an extent i know its not going to sound exactly the same stereo to mono

maybe reason is the g.o.a.t DAW

This does not sound like proper mono to me, but I dunno how FL works.

An init Thor patch in Reason sounds exactly the same, at the same level, when you remove the right channel. You should not need a knob for this, since there is no stereo information in the signal to reduce.

You will of course get a different sound if you start with a source that has stereo information, that you then sum to mono. This is unavoidable.

1 BigUp

so is merged same as mono?

see the dial purple semi circle

yeah just google it, it is.

1 BigUp

You shouldn’t be putting fx on your subs.
Or do you mean midrange wobble bass?

In Reaper you set the channel to mono by dialling the channels width knob to 0%

@Sac I’ve never experienced a loss of FX when changing a channel from stereo to mono

1 BigUp

It’s really pretty simple, conceptually. If the signal is exactly the same in the left and right channel, you have mono.

Made this little thing a while back as a proof of concept. Raw, unmixed recording of some layers of hardware (Korg Electribe EMX-1, guitar pedals). Totally mono.


sorry i ment mid range yeah i never do that i even mid side high pass with gentle slope past 150-200hz ish

1 BigUp

yeah i learnt this today i thought mono was just output in 1 speaker but its more complicated than that well not complicated. its left signal and right signal together but halved in volume. nice clip too

1 BigUp

Stereo is just made up by Big Music to sell more speakers imho bbq.

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