Note choice in subs

After I’ve started mixing with my subpac, I realized that a lot of the songs I write, the sub notes I pick end up being in a weird position where they produce more sound than vibrations than I want but drop it down an octave the notes are way too low for either vibrations or to be audible. I also noticed that most of the reference tracks I use are in a (better?) key where the subs are not too low, not too high. Are there just certain keys that should be avoided if you want nice fat subs?

In the case of the song I’m working on now it has vocals and i don’t want to change the pitch of the vocals, think I’m just gunna deal with “eh” subs on this one.


There are some notes you don’t want to hit when using a sub bass. Also depends on whatever you’re using as a sub bass.

Just a low passed sine wave. I probably hit the worst possible case of what your talking about. I even put a 96 db/oct lowpass on and swept through just to see if maybe I could cut it lower and get a better result but the sound and vibrations drop out at the same time. I guess that makes sense though.

Avoid the brown note


I’ve noticed the same issue with certain sub bass keys

G, G#, A, A#, B

seem to be working best, for me, with the “drop it down an octave” approach

F - B for playback reasons. D1 for example is too low for most home or non-pro speakers.

Good little read:

I’ve always wondered if there was a pink note (resonant frequency of the clitoris)…



That looks like an awesome article! I’m gunna download that to read when im bored at work :smiley: Thanks!

p much anything below 100hz apaz

d1 is life
when u got a proper sub that shit feels like a back rub

1 BigUp

Replying just to follow the thread

the guy that would know that just died i think

didnt like his music but he was good at basketball + tight blouse game


There’s a little button at the bottom of the thread you can change to different follow options for future reference

thats what the subpac is for :wink:

1 BigUp

Wish I could afford a sub par :confused: they seem cool

i legitimately had to buy half the groceries i normally would after i got paid to buy it lmao, but theyre pretty sweet. theyll prob be a lot cheaper on ebay eventually or if they bring out a 3rd version, i got the s2 off ebay for 300 odd

The Kannon headphones discussed here might be a viable option soon if they’re not slanted toward the consumer market…

I guess I just really can’t justify dropping that much money when my productions aren’t that good :stuck_out_tongue:

Also to say i’m here :stuck_out_tongue:

theyre for listenin too tho lol