Orchestral (&) Dubstep

not really orchestral in the traditional sense, but figured i’d post this here, as it’s kinda ‘epic’. at least thats what I was going for…

kind of dark but still ambient vibe to that tune, i like it, those violins are really cool but that explosion is maybe too distorted in my opinion. But then again my style includes filtering out a lot of high frequencies and no one basically ever likes my music so what do i know. Man i worked really hard last days on this orchestral dubstep combination: https://soundcloud.com/shadowraz/lost-kings-you-ft-katelyn-tarver-remix
it’s for the remix contest but changed that release into a BETA version as i noticed few critical errors already. I wouldn’t mind outside opinion though so i could know better what to try to fix before i enter that track to the contest. I want it to be as good as it can get. Although Spinnin’ Records does focus mainly on House genre but still at least i am participating in something for once rather than doing exactly what i feel at the moment doing although still that is my current main stylish remix. Still my own compositions have not been that interesting to people and they have been missing the pro feel or something like that so i am currently focusing on making more remakes from pro’s for practice. And somehow i am heading into brosteppish direction on the genre style as it is more difficult and has a lot of sound design changes in the making and is more for my “angry at life” feeling. Channeling emotions can be tricky stuff if they are not in the form of words as i tend to whine (like a little bitch) sometimes about life’s difficulties and how mean can some people be. But still in my small defense, it’s a real problem as there are truly assholes out there who not only cause but even worse want to cause misery upon others and if it was possible to make them less evil by merely trying to advertise how evil being evil is so they would turn to the good side, i would take the change no matter the cost even if everyone hated me for trying to find a solution to this particular problem, and also it’s really hard to find an source of happiness which would keep me satisfied about life. Getting kind of off-topic right here yet again as usual… mind works in a mysterious ways.

Anyway, i would appreciate some opinions on that remix? Roast it all you want for all i care as long as i could get some feedback and then if i agree on the flaws, i’ll change some stuff and make the final release of it and enter the contest with that. Going to attend such contests more in the future even if this one fails horribly, i found making that rather enjoyable

the distortion was intentional :slightly_smiling:
i process elements a lot to create a dirty aesthetic, sort of hauntological. also playing with dynamics, sound design, and generally breaking any self-imposed rules.

I’ll check your remix in a bit mano—just filter out frequencies above like 15k, that high end can be important too, without it, mixes can sound dull.

Here is my orchestral chillstep.


1 BigUp

hold tight Kontakt crew
edit: english-english

no growls



You have really ambient and instrumental beautiful feeling in your music man. Although i wouldn’t classify that as chillstep since any of those tracks didn’t have a “dubstep” beat per se which would maybe be required for them to be called chillstep. So it’s more like instrumental something… i’m not quite sure even what, just some ambient melodic orchestral stuff :smiley:

Random orchestral dubstep practice… i have recently just started making small random clips of music as exercise and uploading the playthrough on youtube.

and as i am making them only as clips they tend to be… just not that good… For example on that video the growl drone type of thingy is horrible and piano is boring on the same part and the arpish thingy just ugh… it’s like i forced myself on making those just now…

I’ve been dabbling with post-orchestral wave-core. Inspired by the stooges.

That’s cool man, really deep bass and retroish sounding melody type of thingy. Reminds me personally slightly of Com Truise, one of the artist that makes something oldish type electronic music

By the way, haven’t been that active on this thread but i have posted few clips on my youtube recently of some orchestral stuff i could use some opinions on these: