Post your'e music

ty bro

1 BigUp

Alright this version might be closer to done

I wouldnā€™t call this deep but itā€™s not total filth

Would like to know if the mixes on these three songs are similar enough to go on one EP.

Thank you in advance for any input

Damn this thread is deader than fuck lol. Someone come check out my EP Iā€™m practically begging :joy::joy::joy: tonedeaf is the only dubstep track here, 130bpm two ton stereo Slammer

The others are some of my best work!

Looking for mix crit on all three and opinions on whether in the Dnb tracks my kick placement is distractingly off beat.
These three songs all use the same drum kit and basses so I need to know if itā€™s all sonically similar enough at a blind listen to pass off on one effort.

Forgive me for harping, I do not have outside ears to bounce tracks off of, just me in the box.

tbh thereā€™s not really many producers on here anymore and this is one of the deadest threads on the forum


I have noticed lol. This is where i originally got decent at production so I guess I came back ten years later to kinda fight it. :joy:


More digitone stuff. Kinda gamelan/idmish vibes

1 BigUp

1 BigUp

Finally nailed a softer house vibe. Been trying at this multiple times a week for at least 3 months. Where I used to default to 1-3 when I didnā€™t know what to do I now do 4x4

All feedback appreciated, feel like I need an additional, hookier vocal.

1 BigUp

Winter moodā€™ Seasonal depression lets go




1 BigUp

This synth is insane. Iā€™m sure if I picked it up itā€™d sound absolutely terrible. Youā€™re doing cool stuff man. As said before itā€™s hard to judge without knowing the device myself but it sounds fuckin unreal.

Sorry all posted a track in a hurry then got distracted.

This first one is smooth as fuck I love the chimes and the chord hits.

Time is really good too, really solid fingers up vibes.

The last one is my favorite so far. Love the lasers in the intro and the percussion. When the bass comes in itā€™s pretty hard and I like the harmonics on your entire low end. Feels like sometimes the percussion breaks when it should keep pace a bit longer. When that piano riff comes in total vibe switch.

these are all excellent brother, think Iā€™ve heard a tune or two of yours before but I always thought you were posting mixes.

1 BigUp

This is heavy man old school I like it.

That ride is sick too.
Love the second variation of bass.

No criticisms from me g everything here sounds great

1 BigUp


Hey all, put out a track last week, give it a listen if ya fancy

Still fairly new to production so any feedback or advice is v much appreciated

Happy Christmas if you celebrate!

Cheers :slight_smile:

1 BigUp