Production Thoughts

you’re fucking weird mate

Reverb angels


thats my fav part of producing

managed to actually record them once


1;20 you can hear it someone talking

haha ya, that tune was recorded direct off a hardware set up too, no sample fuckery, just some circuits to commune with

pretty sure its “just” some sort of auditory pareidolia thats anthropomorphizing a simple delay/reverb

our brains are p nifty when confused


i remember this youtube channel i watched when i was younger it was a man going around with a modified reverb machine thing in abandoned places/houses and it generated random scary voices lol

sounds like my entire existence tbh

1 BigUp

lol that made me laugh



nah demons bro


i thought i was being smart by linking the two on my own lol

1 BigUp

maybe a more interesting thread of conversation would be turning voices into anti-pareidolia

it used to be a personal point of contention in my own music when i was struggling with my mental health more than i do now

1 BigUp

so what i read on that site quick is what i gathered from this. if there is no clear/interpetable audio coming from the human hearing frequencies your brain creates voices for you to understand?

same man when i was down i made music 10 years ago and had loads of these experiences and really enjoyed them, it feels personal.

i still hear them of course in about 30 percent of my tracks i make

its like a signature for that piece of music

while we are on this topic…also does anyone see stuff in there head like a kickdrum makes a pattern in your mind or a synth? (minds eye) like a fuzzy synth will make wierd rain looking symbols thousands of them etc

a whole song will create a wierd painting in my head that will make no sense but its constantly moving with the sound

yes, its why i returned to the visual arts after a long hiatus while i made ‘music’

every tune i made was from a visual standpoint, its very satisfying to try and close the gap a little bit these days with some of the work i do now

1 BigUp

I hear melodies and accompaniment that’s not there sometimes and have to check in and make sure whether or not it’s in my head or actually there in some form. Usually it’s right on the threshold of perception, my first big tip. Sometimes it’s real tho and that’s a fucker, but I’ve learned about overtones and harmonics and psychoacoustic perception along the way to trying to understand so… yeah. Cool with it now for sure.

1 BigUp

thats cool

but do you see them though in your imagination while your eyes are open? hard to explain probably done too many drugs back in the day

Nope. No visual crossover at all.

I mean there’s also synesthesia but that’s a slippery one tbf because a lot of people claim to have it that probably don’t and a lot of people who do have it go their whole life without realizing or externalizing it.

But drugs definitely can cause it, at least short term looool.

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