Production Thoughts

whoever this hubb is i’d be interested in what they have to say

Tolsof’s husband

Yeah my phone is giving me away

Is dubstep even music? I mean, really. :djparty:

I do not. Compression at the end of a track can give it a genuinely better appeal at release.


ok any reason why not?

Compression at the end of a track can give it a genuinely better appeal at release.

yeah i think everyone uses compression right?

Insofar as discovery, electronic music comes in all different ways. I do actually use high pass filter however only to the extent that it amuses me and then I close my DAW. Sometimes I save what I was doing.

Compression I take an acute interest in. Inasmuch that an audio compressor, when applied to a complete track, provided that it is used correctly, will add some bus by making the loudest and quietest parts more distinct and level?

A lot of people use compressors and many of them use compressors right. It’s all about using it the right way!

Unfortunately I use a compressor. Without having made a finished track I will begin compression phase sometimes, just to figure out what the heck the compressor is doing to the sound Ive got playing.

i use compression to shape sounds or glue things together. i mix as i go along i find it alot easier for me it does my head in making a track knowing somethings its not processed. for example piano and a bass clashing i cant carry on the song untill the piano is hpf etc. also with drums.

also with compressors sorry if this offends you btw not sure how long you been producing. you can use these “famous” attack and release times

attack 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30,

0.1 - 3 chops transients higher you go up it lets some of it through

10 snappy
30 punchy

release times 100 - 200 - 300 (not as common) 400 800 1600 just use what feels right its to add a grove/swell

knee just experiment with it

to hear what a compressor is doing, increahse ratio to 9/16 :1, set attack to 10 release to 100 or lower if possible then reduce threshold untill you get about 6-9 db reduction then once you have “shaped or glued” you can reduce the threshold or ratio. a few db reduction is what i do unless you have to tame the sound alot

also it gives a familiar sound to what people are used too using these settings you can use your own but analog compressors had these setings its what people are used to

1 BigUp

9/16:1 is a weird ratio. That’s expansion not compression

do you even expand bro?

FUCK I got it wrong, it’s ‘m8 do you even expand?’

damn that’s an older one


i ment 9:1 / 16:1

I know I know, just being silly



Post one of your tunes now.

my shit is mixed like garbage

1 BigUp

That is not tru


ye, lies

1 BigUp

weird question but i guess its about production. anyone else get reverb demons talking to you? while making a track and listening to a loop?