Production Thoughts

Aight. You can’t be cyc. 100% cos he wasn’t typing shit an hour ago

1 BigUp

Cyc. makes the dubstep world go round :bassbinns:

1 BigUp

I have two recorders here in front of me.

Am I about to learn the worst instrument in the world?

Kind of sounds fun.

1 BigUp

Up next is my melodica.

My online recorder teacher is just so adorable.

whats his name?

1 BigUp

She is in the first vid I posted.

never learnt music cos my racist school teachers wouldnt teach me recorder when I was 3 or 4.
It was the day I learnt about the injustices of this world. my mum couldnt even overturn the decision. I was devvo’d. Still am. I ai’d a tune for my cousin recently. One of his G’d up mates has got big ideas of entering into music. Kept badgering me in messages “needs more saxophone, needs more saxophone”. I rang him up furious, on speaker phone so they all heard “listen here tnuc, every time you mention saxophone it reminds me of how I cant play an instrument and Im transported back to crying confused wondering why this bitch is denying the world the greatest musician it’ll ever know”. They laughed harder than theyd had in years :disappointed_relieved:
ahhh well, jokes on them. Im a million pages deep in a dubstep forum where the topic of conversation is rarely dubstep. who’s really got the inside scoop on extremes of the sonic palette so far fetched futuristically theyll scare any mainstream listener you’d hope to ensare to pierce their ear drums with cotton buds? That’d be on my CV. Stars in their eyes. “Tonight Matthew Im gonna be EEEEEEEEE WOMP WOMP EEEEEWAAWAAWAAA WEEEEEEEEE WOMP WOMP SKIWWA SKIWWWAA SKREEEEEEEEEEE”
poor bastards dont know Im butters


That sucks.

My mom was a musician and she let me take drum lessons when I was 5. But I wanted to bash a drum kit and it was all paradiddles and flams on a drum pad. Not what a 5 year old wanted.

Next it was guitar at age 8. My mom was a singer/songwriter and gave me lessons. But I guess the guitar wasn’t really for me although I have one now. It was a classical guitar with nylon strings.

My next instrument was the alto saxophone. And then the tenor saxophone.

I gave those up because I wanted to skateboard to high school and didn’t want to lug around a heavy saxophone.

At 19, I picked up the electric bass. At 21 I joined a big band at uni and started playing the upright bass which is one of biggest instruments ever.

My musical upbringing was eclectic and that was just the start.


That’s quite the foundation for a life in music!

I learnt to sing by tone, not key :grimacing:
every time I try and play an instrument my head gets hot and I spaz out.
Bass is an interesting one tho. I can keep a rhythm going with a few notes and put some fkin 'tude on it.
Always tried to sing but by tone so not well.
Wrote my first rap about 11. Probably wrote a million rhymes in between now and then.
All my musical knowledge is related to production, tone, timbre, resonance etc.
Soon as it goes beyond abc: ace, ceg type stuff my mind falls out my head
and the small 3 note ditty I just wrote Ill fuck it up out of music in some punk melee.
Then it just sounds like shit, but quite well produced :lol_og:
Brains are fkin weird arent they


You should pick up a cheap electric bass and just play around with it.

1 BigUp

out of all instruments thats the one Ive connected with the most. Ill keep an eye out


Do it!!


@butter_man @mks @Tolsof @Paralytik the new plan is to make stems and hopefully be able to put them together into something cool later.

1 BigUp

Good idea Ry I’m into this!

Needs a dl link tho

DSF comp idea - draw a picture of a tune and someone else has to make it