Production Thoughts

yeah you’re right but saying its dumb is harsh. you can still make good music on fl studio, its the person using it unfortunately a lot of tiktok kids use it.

pro tip for beginners starting out:
why dont you mix those elements with a 20+ years experienced ear instead, bro

nah im saying do that a certain way you think makes sense without advice but then begin a journey where you change opinion about how to do it every season so do it in a way you think makes sense now then change and change - but avoid EQ and compression or at least compression
welcome to long journey

nah fruity is cool cuz, it forces people to listen the shit out of their sessions
imagine composing a piece on like a traffic light as the interface

like you got red, yellow and green and in that sequence/order but you are zaythoven
in a way fruity is really brainailly abstract

obviously loads of cookie cutter shit music - but its not like any interface except maybe trackers are directly conducive to rad music

and even a tracker has that issue where it kind of affects the way rhythm made on it becomes rigid - people need to break w a tracker or an mpc - and then later on, even that becomes trad and formulaic like fx dilla

1 BigUp

I was using fl for awhile (like 13 I think. An old cracked version, ngl). I just found that I kept doing the exact same thing over and over. Really felt restricted by the way automation worked. And the way rhythm, tempo, and “the grid” worked in it, just wasn’t working for the music I’m trying to make.

Never understood the flak people get for it tho lol


I had Fruity Loops 1 back in 2001. Didn’t really produce much with it though.

I was still on Opcode Vision as a MIDI sequencer before I moved over to Ableton Live a few years later.

I was all hardware back then.

1 BigUp

automation is a pain in the arse you can record the automation live but i dont like doing that and yeah the grids are very hard to get used to i mainly do everything in midi apart from the drums. the sequencer is my favourite. i rarely use loops if i do sample its using the fruity slicer and midi it

the new updates though let you do automation way more easily fl has had loads of updates. ive tried others but i just like how you can get the drums down so quick how you want them

1 BigUp

What daw do you use @Ryan ?

Ableton Live

It’s dumb because:

  1. There’s sort of a limiter on the master exports by default, that you need to remove.
  2. The mixer is not auto-routing to the channels, which makes setting up a basic mixing environment hella more convoluted than it needs to be.

yeah its a terrible work station

and its embarrassing but also kind of cool that there exists something so super basic

the way i dont like ableton is its too much like fruity
but cant hate fruity for being fruity

but dont listen to me actually on this because im 20 years behind on daws - still using logic on pc from 2001

P sure 90% of us came up on a cracked FL but it is p horrible for creativity


yeah but that hurdle tho

you know the guy that got fruity spinning killed it

probably lost more bros inside fruity tho

1 BigUp

like going badminton with a table tennis pad but then the guy that succeeds
ohh whoa

Rave eJay > Madtracker 2 > cracked Reason 4
was my progression. Then loads more trackers and other audio softwares eventually.


rave ejay based


music 2000 ps 1 or 2 not sure
logic 2001

1 BigUp

I still have the sample CDs.

1 BigUp

Oh yeh fucking eJay and Music2000 first, forget about those, seminal


i used to love ejay when i was a kid

1 BigUp

you can turn the limiter off in settings easily though, yeah number 2 is an issue but doesn’t bother me. there is better daws, using fruity as a plugin is pretty good

1 BigUp