Just wondering people’s thoughts on using the same sample often in different songs. I made a snare awhile ago (like when o first started making music) and its probably one of the best sounds I’ve ever made (sadly) but that thing appears in most of my songs even if it’s just a layer.
yeah agree with RKM, I’d say use the f out of it unless you’re releasing, and if you are releasing and you still can’t find a better snare, just add another layer to disguise it a bit
if your going for surgical/clean/ proper gainstaged stuff
its probably a good idea
but on the whole theres too much to be learned from each sound you get to use - to not do that if you have realized music is about process like everythi . . . . pukes in mouth
Yea, I’ve got a pool of about 4-5 kicks and 4-5 snares I use and reuse when I work in the box. I roll my own when I work with my Machinedrum, but I essentially end up making really similiar stuff there anyway.