RIP Steve Albini

This one hit hard.

I learned so much from the man, that on top of loving his music…

Gutted fam. Just gutted. :crying_cat_face:

“I didn’t do this by myself. I did this as a participant in a scene, in a community, in a culture, and when I see somebody extracting from that rather than participating in it as a peer, it makes me think less of that person… My participation in all of this is going to come to an end at some point. The only thing that I can say for myself is that, along the way, it was a cool thing that I participated in, and on the way out, I want to make sure that I don’t take it with me.

1 BigUp


1 BigUp

1 BigUp


Yeh v sad, he was such an influential dude. my mate just got Shellac tickets, guess those shows aren’t happening now. RIP

1 BigUp
1 BigUp

What!?! No way. I am just hearing about this.

Big Black - Atomizer is such a seminal record for me personally.

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