Working on more electronic leaning stuff and really enjoying it a lot more than sample based loops and lofi shit that Ive been doing up until this point.Any critiques are encouraged and appreciated guys
Is that OG Mudbone with grillz?
lol honestly not sure who that is…i just google gold teeth and then tinted it purple in preview ahaha
thats my dumb method for getting track pics…just google image random shit haha
lol, pretty sure everyone does a little bit of that. And most don’t even take it to preview hahaha.
I really like the style your going for here, super fucking gritty with a huge distorted trap bass. I really like the melody you bring in the back in the second half, it really ties the whole beat together. If i had one critique, i would actually tell you to turn the bass down. WHAT? you may say. Well yes i just think that when your working on a mix like this with really big open silences and these super wet reverbed out high ends, its easy to have a clean bass that is just ridiculously loud compared to the rest of your mix. It ends up just competing with whatever snare you have and the cymbals for attention. When you go to mix down your project, you may notice a lot of things getting compressed when the kick and bass hits. You may not want that, considering your background stuff isn’t already very loud to begin with. So i would suggest EQ’ing your bass and taking it down 1-2db below the 250hz mark. Alternatively, you could just compress the bass track itself and get it to a reasonable volume. Or just turn the volume down. A lot of the time, the references your ear’s pick up from the way a song is mixed can imply bass to your mind in a way. What I’m trying to say is - if you change your mix up and bring up your mids and highs and compress your bass, you can fill in your mix and still have give that HUGE BASS impression to your listeners. You don’t want to be that guy that bangs his tune in the car just to realize its super duper quiet compared to every other song. Thanks for reading and check out my latest EP to see the beat i just finished!
Thank you for the feedback man!I never could figure out what made the other sounds in my track duck out of the way when my bass hit…but it reminded me of sidechaining even though its definitely not what I intended so Im gonna be putting your advice to use for sure!!Will check out your track in a bit when Ii can get to my monitors and thanks again for the detailed fb.
For sure! followed so i see what you come up with next.