The 100 BPM Contest 4th Circle of Hell

my joke about comp-2 was a poorly constructed and vague Trump v Hillary comparison; had nothing to do with ya tune. Comp-2 is nice imo, was in my top 3 when i was voting for my top 2, I honestly don’t know why it has 0 votes. Nice work tho mate.


yeah yeah yeah - can we just wrap this up and get on with the next one please?


Ayyyyy bigups @Samuel_L_Damnson with Keep it 1Hunna… he gets the crown and takes over my duty of getting the next one up and running.

Gonna offer my personal critique and opinions later…midterms and shit been at me.

I also did not contribute to this one, cause…midterms and my personal music projects.


bigup @Samuel_L_Damnson …i would literally buy that tbh :salute:

I’ll post a dl link later if u want it.

I’ll start putting together a sample pack lads

1 BigUp

Shouts outs to all entries being more imaginitive thn me

Imagination ain’t shit without proper execution.

Humble bastard. :lol_og:

Congrats man

Mine was boopo. Forgot to fucking change the title before I submitted lol

hey guise

Downloadable freebie

ill get thinking of some cool samples now. probably going to be a load of phone recordings involved.


big up sam <3
mine was 100bpmcomp
i think i shouldve cleaned up the mix lmao

really liked the drum beat on yours


Just listened to the winning tune again.

Fuck you dude. :rage:


1 BigUp

yeah i was gonna vote for sam’s 1, really sick

My sample pack will mainly be samples from limmys show


With a few one shots of shit hitting the water I’m the toilet

Where’s the pack at m8

1 BigUp

Sorry being a total spazz. Been going to work and sleeping. I’ll do it tonight lads.
There’s no rules right?

randomly picked some samples (completely avoided airhorns) but picked some jokes ones anyway.

ill make a thred now.