The 40 best Dubstep tracks as told by Fact

Yeah I agree that it would be a good list for a newbie IF at least 1 Loefah single was on the list.
I think you have to hear/feel/experience his sound, you really miss something if you don’t.

@Johnlenham Maybe you can put this list in your opening post? :smiley:

I think we were all expecting Midnight Request Line to be top 3…

I’ve been thinking about this list, is there much at all that nobody had heard before?
I don’t think it’s that great a list tbh, like yeah maybe it’s a good thing for future newcomers to the music, but it’s not an example of particularly valuable journalism for the scene itself though imo.

Investigative Top 40 Lists

1 BigUp

I think its better than a circle jerk list tbh

Another list popped up today but ill be damned If I can remember what site it was on, was better but only 20 odd tracks.

No Dem a Talk?


1 BigUp

Hey but whats so “dubsteppy” about your top one on the list ?

this one doesnt seem so super dubsteppy
1 BigUp

i know right? and there’s only one zomboy tune in that list and it’s in 20th position! unbelievable

uchh sounds like shitty reggae or something, doesnt even wobble or anything

1 BigUp

In the earlier days of the genre, the half step sound you’re familiar with now wasn’t as dominant. It’s dubstep largely because of the tempo and bass.

1 BigUp

yeah this

Can’t tell if trolling or just really stupid

Kinda stupid to call someone stupid because they’re 'under’educated, imo.

There isn’t even a bass drop wtf

minimal such as by Cyrus, Seven, Be-1ne is under-represented imo

He’s so obviously trolling though, I don’t really think someone that doesn’t know the origins of dubstep is stupid, I’m just being a snarky prick.

Have yet to hear a good tune by that man. Although I kinda like the big room trance dungeon vibes on Straight from the Future (or whatever this tune is called).