Treating a verrrrrrrry small room

Recently got back into production, and I’m trying to take it a little more seriously. Having fun is priority number one though. But I’m in a a room that’s about 5’ x 6’ I can do pics in a little if that would help (I’m sure it would) I do have 8" monitors though lol

this might help you decide which treatment you actually need

I’ve seen that before in the past, but forgot about it. I did some reading earlier, does anyone know the most budget foam for treating a room? that auralex shit is expensive

sorry for just linking, but other people have said it much better than i can hah

mind you, these kinda panels are mainly for the high end of the spectrum, treating a room for standing bass waves is much harder and more expensive.

just read that, I definitely do not have room for panels that big. The room is 5’ x 6’ but I have two bookshelves in here that I don’t have anywhere else to put, which makes it more like 4’ x 5’ I’m gonna buy a testing mic and see what I can put around my room to get it as best I can. I used to make pretty good mixdowns on a very shitty pair on monitors (IMO at least) and no room treatment. I’m gonna test and see what I can do, and then just get to learn this new room and these monitors. Check this mix and let me know what you think Fun stuff