Voice Cloning

So much abuse potential… :smiling_imp:

New Adobe Tool Can Make You Say Anything
Ever wanted to make Natalie Portman yell obscenities at your neighbors? What if Garey Busey could leave your mother a sexy voicemail on her birthday? Wanted to prank your little brother by forcing him to call his crush and profess his love? Adobe has you covered.

When Adobe released photoshop in 1990, it dreamed of a world where movie studios and photo editors could do in minutes what once took hours. It never dreamed the world would take the digital editor and use it to put celebrity heads on porn star bodies, distort women’s bodies in magazine cover, and create vile memes.

Now, the same company that gave the world Photoshop wants to do for the human voice what it did for the human image—give people the tools to warp it in anyway they see fit. At the Adobe Max Creativity Conference, the company premiered VoCo: an audio editing suite that will allow users to make people say whatever they want just by typing.

According to Adobe, after about 20 minutes of listening to a voice, users can make the voice say whatever they want just by typing it out. Comedian and director Jordan Peele hosted the event and Adobe tech Zeyu Jin demoed the process by editing an interview with Peele’s comedic partner Keegan-Michael Key. Jin took existing audio of Key, then used the software to make him talk about making out with Peele instead of his wife.

In the audio clip, Key expresses his excitement about an award nomination. “I jumped on the bed,” Key said. “And I, uh, kissed my dog and my wife … in that order.” The screen above Jin’s head displayed an audio waveform and a small box with the transcribed sentence.

Jin erased portions of the sentence and typed out new phrases and the waveform changed to match. In seconds, the Adobe tech had made Key say he’d kissed his wife before his dog, then kissed Jordan, then kissed Jordan three times. Jin did all this just by typing. It sounded seamless.

“Don’t worry,” Jin said. “We actually have researched how to prevent forgery. Think about watermarking detection. As we’re getting the results much better, making it so people can’t distinguish between the fake and the real one, we’re working harder trying to make it detectable.” He then gave a thumbs up and grinned.

Jin said Adobe developed the software to help podcasters and audio book editors. Typing out the new audio instead or re-recording would be a blessing in both professions. But Adobe knows this can be used to make people say things they didn’t say. Hell, the first thing it did to demo the technology was mess with the host of its own conference.


So the full on vocal emulator has almost arrived😏

As predicted


thats pretty mad, but could see it having the potential for really bad things lol


Yeah I’m guessing Apple/android will add some software that checks for the detection cues mentioned in the article. Or at least, I hope they do haha


Anybody else thinking about what we can do to our patches with this

1 BigUp

this will do wonders for future political propaganda


I wonder… Can it sing?

1 BigUp

Yeah been following this for a bit. Of course like image manipulation, it’s never 100% perfect and there will always be experts that can tell what’s fake or not. “…From some of the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shops in their time.

But really all it made me think was hopefully there’s a new cassetteboy album on the horizon.

Somebody’s already beat them to the punch.


Apparently not quite as good as the Adobe app but still…

adobe cant even uninstall and now it talks :peach:




I’m guessing attempt at serious imitation will never feel right, and it will just end up being used for comedy purposes like human impersonators’

You mean the uncanny valley effect… yeah. Although the Adobe one is pretty fuckin’ amazing. It’s basically vocal photoshop; in the hands of the public it’ll be all fart jokes and shit but in the hands of an evil genius… :worried:

On the other hand, anything that makes companies and legislators pay more attention to security is a good thing unto itself I guess.

1 BigUp

fake news will have a field day with this tech


off topic, but think you’ll find this entertaining :slight_smile:


Convert to the dark side.

“Darth Vader voice”

I can’t blur from my tablet, wtf.


That’s fucking scary actually. Can you imagine the kind of stuff you can do with someone like trump as president who is fucking retarded and says whatever you want. Produce a somewhat convincing video of him saying something awful (which really isn’t very hard to not believe) and then bam, who knows what chaos you could cause

1 BigUp

Post-truth indeed.

1 BigUp