Western Music Theory: How to apply it practically

That clip sounds great dude. Don’t be afraid to stay on one pattern / theme for longer, then switch it up after like 8 bars or so. Make the listener familiar with it. The silence is also part of the music. Patience etc. You could simplify that theme a lot, for an intro or outro, then go into that main synth riff. Also, you can let things stretch out over several bars instead of looping it too fast, the rhythm of the theme becomes much more interesting then. Repetition is good, but the part you’re repeating should not be too short, imo.

With that said, here’s a pretty short melodic loop I made, which loops after 36 steps. With added drums, it sounds pretty repetitive immediately.

But if you add drums that loop in 4/4, and a bassline that takes much longer before it loops back, you kinda change the harmonic context of the melody notes, making it much less repetitive, even if it’s exactly the same pattern.

I made these more as a proof of concept of a polymeter, that is when the meters / bars loop unevenly, since they overlap, and don’t loop back at the same time each time. You probably know about this concept.

That one was also an exercise for myself, just sticking to one key and roll with it. Not made for the purpose of “making a song”, but for learning how to work within the set boundaries.

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