Yumu Rolling Thread

I know I change alias a lot but I like this one.

And I know I make a thread for each one but this is the last one, I promise.

Here is a free EP to launch the alias.

Feel free to download and play out etc (and send me footage pls <3 )

Big up


latest mix, some I freshly purchased and some of my own

reupped the mix but longer.

Took the mix down as I’m hopping on a guestmix and saving tracks for that.

also new mix series



Shudan - Pak Choi - (White Peach)
Shudan - No Shadow Kick (White Peach)
Lofty - Joyless (White Peach)
Lofty - Daybreak (White Peach)
Lofty - Runners (Self-Release)
Mani - In Your Eyes (D-BLK)
Mani - Stolen Food (D-BLK)
Mani - Case Closed (D-BLK)
Nahlith - Python (D-BLK)
Nahlith - Imperial (duploc)
Nahlith - Half Full (D-BLK)
Hamdi - Skanka VIP (Bassrush)
Hamdi - Shaking (D-BLK)
Ego Death and Alienmade - Montu (Kodama Remix) (D-BLK)
Kodama - Come Down and Talk To Me (D-BLK)
Kodama - Bluesky (D-BLK)
Jamzigg - No Trace (Instrumental) (Bandcamp Self Release)
Yumu - You Got Soul (Heyoka)
Blocklab - Dreams (White Peach)
Yumu - ??? (DUB)
Yumu - ??? )DUB)
Solstice - ??? (DUB)
Blocklab - Konan Varvar (White Peach)
Blocklab - Kitchen (White Peach)
Blocklab - Street Choice (White Peach)
3WA - Black Marsh (Foundation Audio)
Alienmade - Impaler (Bandcamp Self-Release)
Causa - Haiy (Infernal Sounds)
Jamzigg - Liotta (Bandcamp Self-Release)
Blazid - Boogieman - Jah-Tek (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Yumu - Alice On A Trip (Heyoka)
Basura - Move Please - (Badman Studios)
Basura - Stuttering (FREE DOWNLOAD)
DMVU - Blocced (Basura Remix) (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Causa - Stonecold (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Two-tracker, cop if you’re feeling!

NEW MIX, stepping away from 140 and making/mixing different bass music genres, big up

1 BigUp

this tune was a labour of love so many channels/fx and was a bitch to mix down i’m giving it away when my new account hits 30 followers so please do follow/comment/share etc it would be dope!

something more minimalistic


this happened today, had to literally dust off the decks

DL link soon

some stuff i made

and been collating a UK dubstep playlist feel free to suggest tunes to go into it:

piano piece, enjoy

production mix of my own tunes with a few thrown in i’m feeling atm