Complxtro but Chilled Dubstep

Sorry, my bad, getting too annoyed. Maybe I need a break. I’ll see you guys.

Again I don’t get what you are saying. Obviously I’m automating musical elements. Im not just automation the colour of one of my plugins for lols.

Yeah I’m not doing this all day. I’m off as-well.

1 BigUp

automation musical elements can be a very basic function and not just complex
you’re implying using lots of automation is complex period
it may be technically complex but the musical complexity can vary

Least we can agree on that. :smile:

I tryed to ovide it but as you want to make the conversation philosophull to the point of ridiculousness…

Well what do you consider complexity? Where is the line between complex and simple? Why did we call the colour blue, blue?

If a tree falls in the wood and no one is around… can a zoom recorder capture it so I can use it in a song?

What do you consider a song? Is the sound of a tree falling when no one is around a song? :laughing:

“On this one I really feel I could write some kind of college level paper on the complexity of Bro and Complextro.”

Wish I could sig this so badly.


John Cage would probably think so.

[quote=“NeonCloud, post:67, topic:3904”]
Well what do you consider complexity?
[/quote]phenomenon that is too intricate for an animal to immediately comprehend, so I believe what strikes as complex varies from animal to animal

[quote=“NeonCloud, post:67, topic:3904”]
Where is the line between complex and simple?
[/quote]again, varies from animal to animal

[quote=“NeonCloud, post:67, topic:3904”]
Why did we call the colour blue, blue?
[/quote]not too sure

[quote=“NeonCloud, post:67, topic:3904”]
If a tree falls in the wood and no one is around… can a zoom recorder capture it so I can use it in a song?
[/quote]how would you know to record it if no one’s around

[quote=“NeonCloud, post:67, topic:3904”]
What do you consider a song? Is the sound of a tree falling when no one is around a song?
[/quote]maybe if it was falling in a rhythmic fasion

I really have nothing going on tonight :badteeth:

1 BigUp

regardless of who’s wrong or right or which music is the most or least complex, complextro is still a steaming pile of brostep shit. It’s just an automation e-peen contest for prepubescent nerds to wank over. It’s not even about music it’s just who can fit the most shit into a bar.


Though you do have the opportunity for hilarious homoerotic passive aggressive artist names.

Knife Party is basically a neo-Freudian term for a sausage fest.


Isn’t skrillex derived from the sanskrit for “smearing faeces about one’s mouth”?

1 BigUp

I don’t really care if you like it. Just as a producer I can appreciate it because it’s on the forefront of quite a few areas of production.

1 BigUp

Not autechre though…

1 BigUp

Real complex shit.

It is kind of like comparing basic Trigonometry to Calculus.

But don’t let me stand in the way of your daily trolling…

No, not really. Your history is way off. Tbh, I think autechre are musically quite shit, but they’ve pushed boundaries nobody had pushed beforehand.

1 BigUp

I don’t know much about them. Obviously if they did something significant in music then they have some respect from me.

Like some of those rubbish paintings you find in a Art museum because the artist change art forever or something.

As this thread is already derailed completely…

Do people still have a love for alpacas around here?