Distance & Chestplate Thread

Heard this on the Crucial Sound podcast, its really good. Reminds me of his earlier stuff, full of menace.

Most recent chestcast is pretty fire too, I rate how he still does his new producers bit.

dug this out yesterday and gave it a spin, forgot how much i love this record. the A side is sick too!

1 BigUp

The Cyrus Nostalgia / Rupture plate blends perfectly with absolutely everything. Amazing release, only Chestplate record I have (I think)

Looks like I have 27 Chestplate records. pretty mad

I only have 10 or so. Including some I haven’t touched in years (Result of Sound being one, RazorRekta - Kickstart or sth, and a few others).

result of sound is a percy

distance da distance da distance da distance

1 BigUp

First chestplate is my favourite one… Radical, love it when that one drops!

rating that new bit fully.

My favourite non-Distance Chestplate release has to be Razor Rekta - Loko-Motiv

Ah right, that’s the one I never draw for anymore. It makes for a gully moment with Addison Groove - Fuk Tha 101 though.

Yeah that warping mid is something else.

Sleeper-Zombies is up there too

1 BigUp

Scanners is just a poor man’s version of One Of Us though. Like most dubstep released post-KM.

Yeah I’m not a fan of Scanners. At least Zombies was different whereas Scanners is a bit generic

double drop Zombies with Kryptic Minds - Badman was a fave of mine

New Distance album due late Autumn this year. Hear a sneak preview in his Tectonic minimix for SWU which begins 45 mins in >>

1 BigUp

£3 ep out yesterday is good stuff



Chestplate needs a Bandcamp imminently

I mean they have a website. ( Databeats)

Thanks bro but screw that and Juno, and beatport is garbage

i get a bit frustrated with all the online outlets coz 1) bad experinces 2) Bandcamp just kills it

I waited days for Uprise Audio BC so ill keep waiting for Chestplate & hopefully medi adds more too