Graphic Art & Design (Album Art, Design Projects, Jobs, etc.)

Couple o’new bits

For the band Yersin


Started messing around with Blender yesterday. Followed the classic donut tutorial by Blender Guru on Youtube, but in its latest 4.0 revision. Beginning to get a grip on how the tools and modifiers work.

My plan is to make some cool renders, maybe short animations.


Sick stuff dude. Whats the learning curve like?

nice donuts bro, love how you creamed them. I started doing something similar but had a baby and haven’t touched Blender since, it’s hella fun, espesh with the Metal GPU

my creamy boi


Nice. I’m offloading everything on my new AMD Radeon RX 6600, with some optimisations to the render settings (mainly adjusting the light paths values).

Got this 2560 x 1440 px rendered in 28 seconds, not too shabby. The scene is very simple though, so I assume rendering times will increase exponentially, if you have loads of transparent materials with reflections, refractions and caustics, etc. Also the polycount ofc.

1 BigUp

I’ve heard people say it’s pretty steep, but I think it’s mainly because there are so many contextual options, where things behave differently depending on which editing mode you are in, what other settings are activated, etc. Also because of the sheer amount of options and buttons.

I had to re-track a bit during the tutorial videos, because I messed something up and had to build it again, but I just see it as good repetition of the steps. It’s not like I have much to do anyways. I will probably reference some of these videos again, until the core mechanics stick.

PS. I haven’t finished all of these yet, only up to video no. 8.

Here’s the playlist.


I haven’t actually rendered mine I just screenshotted blender lol, the M1 chips do allow for real-time ray-tracing so I imagine the render would be pretty quick but your scene is much more complex

@sleeps a lot of the principles of other visual tools are very similar, so PS/AI/AE (or FCP) will set you up with a good foundation for the UI principles and workflow, some of the actual concepts at play get pretty deep though and it can be fiddly at first


With realtime, you mean like one frame every few seconds, or actual realtime?

Something I made recently.
Axes generated by PS


just remember you need a mouse for blender. can’t do the gestures with a touchpad


Don’t want to render on a shitty laptop either.

Bit laggy but I can spin round the obj with RT on and after half a second of noise it looks pretty good

1 BigUp

forget your donuts, let me see your Macrons guys


Check Input tab in Preferences, you can emulate both scroll wheel (button 3) and numpad.

fair enough, but is it a good workflow?

I have a mouse, so can’t answer that.

Can you handle that?

got chatty with the guy in work who prints signs

theyre using this

a step up from my last place. any designs you graphic ninjas think would look good printed through it. could use it round my freshly painted gaff

cue penises

Print off some @Boss_of_Capitalism hog shots imo


ive recently found a stack of the goblin records stickers (I know I was meant to post them, dont hate me my life is a shaken snowglobe for chaos lol)

all we need to do is add hair and lengthen the D

but sleeps, im sure you’d know something that’d look dope af printed through that. its not the v1200 which is what you see printed on the side of buses etc but still get some really good prints and it cuts to shape, even squiggly lines.

my guy was like bring designs and he’ll print em off