Grime Sets (Radio/Mixes/Live)

Thank you my dude!! Wow that was a proper write up. Stoked you were feeling. Original definitely wasn’t aggy enough for me :slayer:

1 BigUp This is nt very angry but vocals are same person as I showed before - got told off in Lithuania for playing that at an outdoor art exhibition on my laptop by the event organizers… it wasn’t even loud.

more than welcome. no expectations but expecting more remixes at some point in le future

and apparently " He even takes a shot at Skepta, arguing that the BBK founder and one of the most internationally recognised faces of grime shamelessly stole the “GREEZE” adlib, a central feature on his recently released Ignorance is Bliss."
tryna find the 2

not technically grime but lyrically funny:

bog ops

1 BigUp

Woooooooo @finji the Grime Set thread savioooouuuuuurrrrrr (woooopwooop)
So apparently I can’t keep speaking to my digital self using Discourse… meh! Someone has to respond… Probably for the best. Else I’ll end up posting a blummin novel.

So what do people reckon to this?

If you can’t add more posts to a thread, just edit ur last post with:

@discobot quote

Which will force @mks 's favourite bot to reply


:left_speech_bubble: We are either progressing or retrograding all the while. There is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life. — James Freeman Clarke

@swerver why thankyou, thankyou very much, nice system hacks right there

@discobot quote


:left_speech_bubble: Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you. — Henri-Frederic Amiel

I’ve tried it but it doesn’t work if you try to invoke

@discobot quote

with an edit. If you have three messages in a row and are about to be locked out of the thread by the system it is better to tell discobot to fuck off in the third message.

1 BigUp

:left_speech_bubble: Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others. — Jacob Braude

how did discobot like this post?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 5, 5

WOOOO 3:05 I do CTRL C

so i found dsf coz people said grime forums were dead, reddits like the abyss and this one was supposed to be good. good job i like dubstep too. oh and discourse is supposed to be gud.

COntroversial maybe but the more I hear of them, the less I like Skepta & especially JME


I don’t like Skepta’s flow, I find him boring. There’s something about his voice that annoys me. I just don’t find him to be a particularly exciting MC.

And JME is just a bit shit tbh.
Man’s like JME’s sick, boy better know, JME say my name,
I got a whip, JME’s sick, girls say rah, boy better know, blah blah blah.

He has done a couple sick tunes. 99 Fuckries was dope. Integrity was fire.
But just overall I find him a bit bland the more I hear him. Same old same old

Probs should put this in the unpopular opinions thread