Fuck yeah I’ve heard this one.
This is a sick one, banger as fuck m8.
You guys don’t know about the Embers Breaks revival.
Serious tunes started happening.
Anything revival is meh already for me, like the current ukg revival for example
I can see how it would sound fresh for younger ears, but my old ears are already bored of any revival
embers breaks never died
I tried listening to some of it on DOA.
It was ok i guess
Revival was the wrong word because it never took off the first time.
Not sure what this is classed as, but it always scratches an itch I didn’t know I had. Had it on repeat when it came out and forgot about it for a few years until yesterday
always loved that purity ring x danny brown thing. so underrated
The album it’s from is banging as well
wtf he had a song named dubstep on that album lol
@topmo3 found you!
I was hiding in plain sight