How can I make good chords?

@Cheyne_Taylor_Bush I was chatting bare shit. Spill over from another thread. Theory is safe imo.

1 BigUp

Shit, now I had to research to see if this is even correct and got deep into past participles.

It appears learned is more common in American English and learnt is more common in British English.

MKS: please stop being such an overall grammatical whore, conceptual expositor, and general “thinking like alphacat/ronzlo” motherfucker.

PS: You still owe me a mix.

1 BigUp
  1. I-V-vi-IV

  2. Profit.

Seriously, if in doubt, I-V-vi-IV


I like to use very big triad chords, I start with just the base line and work up from there. layering either 5ths 7ths or 9ths or even a whole octave up sometimes