M447 vs M44G vs White labels

What difference are you looking for? I did an a/b test with another technician present and we couldn’t hear any difference with the original Shure styli. I mean it was on the club system, which probably isn’t the most detailed, but all these dj’s seemed happy with them.

I mean you can buy these at Rush Hour and they’re still cheaper than the ones on Amazon
that soulkids posted. What would you even expect from styli made in Switzerland? That your technics will make you coffee as well?

I meant i find it hard to tell the difference between new and old stylii in general unless they are completely fuckd lol

I bought from Juno

Ah well than you’re golden anyway :mrgreen:
I would go Juno as well if I were based in the UK.

To be clear, it’s soulkids who I think should be banned for buying these Chinese
acupuncture accessories from Switzerland.

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Well… Thing with juno is that they use an annoying carrier, which never delivers when I’m home nor do weekend deliveries. Anyways, lesson learned and now that we’re quarantined for a while I might just order another pair of styli. :man_shrugging:

Hah ja mail sucks.

There’s a couple of Dutch companies that will sell you the Tonar ones afaik and otherwise
I think Atrylogy n44-7 is the exact same needle.

@AxeD does anywhere sell replacement whitelabel styli?

Been using my white labels recently and i think I actually prefer them to the m44g/7 now

Don’t Jico make some?

Just reading about Jico and apparently they are Tonar?
Also found them by Tonar and they are £30
Just for one!
Better off saving a tenner per needle and sticking with M447

i’m thinking about switching to ortofons once i run out of my N44Gs.

their tracking sucks tho

For scratching? Only people iv heard hate on ortofons are serious scratchers.
Both the s-120 and the q-berts are tracking and sounding really good in my ears.
Havent tried the newest line, but there is a need for a break in period to loosen up the needle.

well, i’ve got a free creeper/justice plate because my m8 sxratched it and couldnt play the a side.
i coule with no problems with shure. plus multiple times with jumping ortofons at a gig.

bear in mind this is with concorde designs, maybe the headshell ones are better

aslo im drunk

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It looks like -contrary to what the people at Tonar told me- the company that’s producing all these
styli (branded as Jico, Tonar, Atrylogy) has in fact stopped producing them. Prices are going up everywhere.

I still see some Atrylogy ones at Dutch stores for €19 - €25 though.

never had tracking issues with ortofons myself, the decks need to be properly calibrated of course

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For ppl that like the classic headshell cartridge setup; what’s the alternative now?
Any suggestions Axed?

just use a 5 pounds note m8, it costs only 5 pounds



I’d probably get those. Or Stanton 500’s.

1 BigUp

damn thats bad news, guess it really is time to stock up?

Damn, where’d you hear this? Time to stock up for sure

Does anyone have any other suggestions?
If not i think i’m gonna but these ones Axed linked.

Never bought Ortofon before, there are quite a few diff models, dunno what to look for tbh

@syrup did you get any Ortofons in the end?

nah, still have the 44Gs plus a couple of spare styli

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