Production Competition - 001/DSF DUBSTEP

Even if I haven’t been able to submit stuff for the last few compos, I’ve gotten some good practice in how to work the samples to create a variety of basic building blocks, which is nice.

I’ve got something cooking for this one though, most of it is already done, but need to finish it up before I can submit. Gonna try to spend the afternoon and evening on that tomorrow, if I can’t get it fixed tonight. Getting heavy ear fatigue from using headphones for longer than like half an hour lol, and I usually keep things relatively quiet on the monitors after approx. 10pm.


started something today, hopefully it survives the next day listen test

1 BigUp

Deadline is tomorrow ye.

1 BigUp


Today’s the day.
Get 'em in me

Smash them taters y’all


sending in a bit

5 subs so far - can I get a 6th and a 7th?!

Just wait until tonight imo, if you have time then. No need for rushing the playlist, even though I’m excited for listening to what y’all have made hehe.

I won’t post the playlist til Sat morning to give the lollygaggers in gay timezones time to sub


Too late? It’s still the 7th here… :badteeth:

EDIT: sent :incoming_envelope:

Playlist incoming

2 votes each! Get involved!

OOOOF! Track 3 has some heavy Vex’d vibes. Excellent sound manipulation. Love the edits on the vocal sample.


Skimmed the songs, gonna give them a full listen in a bit, but big tunes all around

@mods ye Im spamming. until you we’re past the strict authoritarean regime and shocking abuse of authority Im triple posting all my farts

Oh yeah, jeeze, this is a tough one

1 BigUp

6 votes?
Come on now, we can do better

can’t blame me here, dsf comps and weird alt-right polls on twitter is literally the only time i vote


You should start showing who votes so we can shame those who don’t

1 BigUp