Production Thoughts

Rip from drum tutorial vids on YT

1 BigUp

Do you still have to pay the full reason price?

Natural organic

1 BigUp

Most of the info is provided in the link I posted bro, try Google (AKA no I dunno I only use Reason and not Ableton).

Sorry for being salty, but fr just google it. For me to find out and tell you, I’d have to google it myself.

Essential knowledge

oh shit ive been phase-cancelling all my psytrance basslines ffs :man_facepalming:


Yeah that’s kind of what I’m thinking. Gonna have to do some digging.

Still trying to do some chaabi stuff and was using the hot pants break. It’s ok but it just doesn’t flow right cuz the subdivisions off

1 BigUp

Can you not set your grid to 6/8 then chop out bits of various breaks and slam them together?

Haha fucking rookie mistake


So it’s a plugin now? That’s kind of cool.

The last time I used Reason was on version 2 in like 2005. I used to Rewire it into Ableton because I was not fond of Reason’s sequencer.

Yeah, Reason devs invented the whole Rewire thing too, along with the REX loops format. Sequencer is still lacking tbh, compared to other DAWs. Some things are just backwards and outdated. It doesn’t bother me that much though tbh.
I think I started using it around that time too, but on the cracked v4.


3/4 is easy bruv, it’s literally a Waltz in the park(ing lot, on ket).

1 BigUp

Says the dude who don’t understand compressors. :crazy_face:

1 BigUp

That actually hurt a little bit :disappointed_relieved:


Might upload what I got going later today. The break just doesn’t have the right flow basically because I’m trying to make it into something it’s not.

Might just steal this dudes breaks tho

The one starting around 2:40 is pretty much exactly what I’m looking for

It’s all slightly shuffled triplets, like in jazz. If it’s pushing them or slowing them down depends on style.

Check out this playlist by Yogev Gabay, he goes deep into trying to explain stuff like this. Very good channel, he has analyses of some of the music you talk about.

1 BigUp

Yeah his channel is how I found out about chaabi actually. Swung triplets is one way to think about it. I think Kofi Agawa usually refers to these kinds of rhythms in 6/8 so that’s what I go with. Or cycles. There’s a ton of different ways to think about them but in general western time signatures don’t exactly fit. And the shuffle aspect can vary widely from song to song, or even in the same song. Some can be pretty much straight while others can be pretty dense. I think most of the electronic chaabi beats are ‘lazy’ and just use 16ths play 1 + a 2 + a 3 + a 4 (dropping the e)

And I understand how the subdivision works. Converting a beat that’s playing 16ths into triplets is not a magic trick I am capable of atm.

1 BigUp

yeh the Reason Rack is great, don’t really use Reason as a DAW but it’s cool to be able to do some modular instrument/effect racks and just insert them as an effect in Ableton


Nice one