Production Thoughts

We did a one sample thing a few years ago.

It is so tedious for me because I don’t think about music like that.

Anyone got some free delay plug ins they recommend?

Honestly free plug ins in general. There’s one thread for it, but it died

Valhalla FreqEcho is v good

AirWindows Tape Delay is good (as are most of his plugins)

I just downloaded Deelay which is looking promising - delay stuff is good but combined with diffusion, distortion, spread, and feedback you can get some real nice washes, ambience, and textures


Audio Damage released all of their old plugins for free a couple of years ago so get Dubstation.

1 BigUp

I knew I got Dubstation free from somewhere!
While you’re there, grab Rough Rider compressor.

did my guy just explain how to use a channel in a mixer?!

so proud of u bb


Yeah coz he’s just started using Reaper and the process may not be obvious.
Fuck sake cant do anything nice for someone round here
Thanks a lot crying now.

1 BigUp


Hey guys :wave: my names Tolsof :nerd_face: and I’m a new :sparkles: upcoming :chart_with_upwards_trend: :100: producer

I appreciate :pray: any tips :mortar_board: and tricks :hedgehog: you have to offer


get out the music game before you start injecting adrenochrome into your groin


Well excuse me all to hell for my heinous crime of misreading this entirely.
It seemed to me that help was needed.
Obviously not. Fuck the lot of you.




I very much appreciate the help bro. Reapers great

1 BigUp

Haha I’m just fucking about man, I guess I did overexplain it!!

1 BigUp

Tbh I go nuts over one sample challenges, really forces me to trot out all the tricks. All 2 of em anyway lol.

PS: this is a fun delay. Not actually explicitly a delay but you’ll see what I mean about just using delay and reverb to get a boatload of sounds…


well CDP is a fucking nightmare lol. SoundloomE has to be the shittiest gui I’ve used in a while, plus it freezes loads on basic stuff (extracting channels, analysis) and I have to start over each time. Might try thru cli but really cant be fucked with that atm. Exciting how inaccessible it is though, gona be so satisfying when I get something built

1 BigUp

i gotta try it out, if only to suffer like you did

1 BigUp

I’ve had this internal dilemma in my head for years

does anyone high pass there mix to tighten up there bass on the master track?
i usually do this at around 15z up to 25hz with a very steep curve, as this creates transient peaks most of the time i add a soft clipper at around -1db to -3db

would like to hear peoples thoughts on this

i’m aware this cause phasing issues with the low end but i sidechain my kick and bass so i guess it doesnt matter

Careful, hubb’s gonna start preaching the evils of eq


haha whos hubby?

Hubb* damn auto correct