Commodo sampling Poison the Well
Fuuck haven’t listened to uprising/saracen in years
Poison the Well
Is it just me or did I use like the exact same sample in a very similar way to this producer:
Here’s me:
Here’s no name:
Jus listening to Shaft soundtrack and scoped this:
Keeps repeating sample at 05:00 mins on:
Fuk i’m good
I’m sampling some records i bought and this sounded familiar
turns out it’s sampled in one of my favourite dubstep tunes ever
Does anyone know where the orchestral/choral sample is from at the beginning of this
The “we got a problem with our location” vocal sample from kode9 - dislokated is from minority report I recently found out
And you can hear one of the pre-cogs played by Samantha Morton breathing heavily and saying “don’t cry” several times throughout the tune (about 0.18 & 4.05)
ahh, didnt clock that but yeah there are little gasps and shit in there arent there
@ 14.05 in the movie
Drums in that Karma tune a fucking sick!!!
So dry and squashed and dead sounding but so so good.
Karma is such a badman. Rate everything he’s done
ohshitwaddup @cyclopian
What’s this? Tasty witch?
seems so, stumbled on it through random youtube recommendations, need to get the rest of the album and see if the main synth is also sampled from it