Server maintenance, Sunday (19-08-2018)

The forum will be off-line during the maintenance (probably for the whole day).

oh noez

Vacay to the snh plug.

Good luck with the renovations.

Well what am I supposed to do with myself now

1 BigUp

Testing, testing…

We are almost back… or at least we should be. :male_detective:

1 BigUp

looks like some user avatars has disappeared

not sure if its really an issue or not

edit: actually seems like a lot of server stored photos are gone, the funny pictures thread for example

I’ve noticed the same thing. Avatars and images missing.

give me access to server i will fix it

What web server are they using?


1 BigUp


1 BigUp

What country is the server in?

dunno lol

Uploads should be fixed now.

The server is located in France. It’s Intel® Xeon® CPU D-1531 @ 2.20GHz (6 cores / 12 threads); 32GB RAM and SSDs. It should be much faster then the old one.


I was just seeing if mason would get it.

Nice specs!

how u find that out?

nslookup and dig on the FQDN DNS records and then looked up the IP.

It appears to be a new IP than before.

1 BigUp



We changed the way how you log in to the forum. Now we use Discourse’s internal log in functionality, without any external user DB. In practice that means less maintenance and the ability to register without FB/Twitter/Google accounts, but the old DSF forum will not longer be accessible with the current credentials. Some avatars could be missing. Native accounts should reset their passwords before logging in.