@moderators if i get anything wrong here please correct me.
okay, to the best of my knowledge - when you made your account here, you migrated from the old DSF, and that was your name on there (the 10 underscores). not sure why it would ever switched to 5 underscores - maybe you entered that as part of your login details somewhere along the way?
the reason your login info is different from your display name is probably because you changed your username on here, but you didn’t change your login info in the process. you have to be sure to log in using the new user name. you can still change it i believe - check out this page and make sure you do step 3 properly, it can be easy to misinterpret.
also - ignore the under construction page for now, and just bookmark “community.dsf.ninja”. that way when you log in, you’ll automatically go to the forum instead of portal.