Stuff That Should Be Improved

Let me translate that for you, into Pete:



how do you turn it off (I ask because I also read_by_highlighting :blush: and quoting annoys me)

I think so too

I think it can’t be changed

btw the board is jacked right now. Can’t load pages, error messages all over the place, when pages load, it only loads to the first post in the thread.

Somebody unplugged something important back there!

@nowaysj Its pretty amusing to me that you have loads of complaints, but you have the most posts of anyone by 50+ and the highest visits :cornlol:

Not to say they arnt vaild, just like “ugh this is awful” with 550+ posts, I mean it cant be THAT bad haha

1 BigUp

I use the site more than anyone else, it only follows that I’m more aware of its profound deficiencies vs the 90’s tech y’all used to use…


The main thing i dislike about new forum is that it’s a “web app” on phones so when it’s loading a page you don’t see the URL loading like normal, just an ambiguous spinning circle

Also it crashes my iPhone back to home menu loaadss

and I co sign on wanting individual pages

I like how easy it is to see updated threads though, and that you can @ someone and they’ll notice. Like RKM @'ed me in that production thread I prolly would not have clicked otherwise

1 BigUp

never crashed me back to home, but I do get A LOT of “Sorry, something went wrong :(” and “We can’t load that page right now”. Performance on my phone is good though, no long load times, all good (iPhone 6).

it’s a checkbox in preferences; somewhere after the notification stuff.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I actively checked my emails only two or three times a week so I didn’t even realise you got email alerts on the old forum

you didn’t really, and that will change when you leave high school if i’m honest lol

Lowkey par, I thought we were boys

not a par at all, i didn’t use email for shit until college

Tbf I do get daily updates on my phone, but I’m unless I’m expecting something (e.g. From student finance or whatever) I don’t actively check it cause everything else is shit I cba with like discogs updates

There wasn’t email until I left college. :school:

1 BigUp

so true.

still didn’t get dsf updates, that shit is annoying as bumcancer.

lol, this is exactly why I said the reply button is annoying. I too highlight while reading. Just hitting reply doesn’t quote the text. Can’t make for some slightly confusing reads unless you’re constantly scanning to look to see if a reply is to someone directly or to the thread overall.

Its not horrible by all means, just seems a lil backwards and confusing at times.

sometimes when you visit a looooong thread with loads of posts, you start at the bottom (most recent) but you can’t scroll to the start of the thread, you just get a spinning circle buffering thing and the posts don’t load. Noticed it a couple of times today (Chrome)

Is there a way to mark all “unread threads” as “read”? just something annoying me about having 18 unreads and half are threads I cant be arsed to look at haha

Click “Dismiss Posts” at the top right part of that page.