Stuff That Should Be Improved

Any chance we can get links to open in a new tab? Most other forums I go on this happens, but on here they still open in the same tab (same on the old dsf)

In preferences, there’s a checkbox that reads ‘open all links in new tabs’ or something like that. Just click it & save. :wink:


sweet, nice one

Yeh I noticed this last night so just flag them and I’ll sort it out!

you sound fun, fam

Nodnol? That’s the capitol of Bulgaria isn’t it?

1 BigUp

yeah, this,

probably the worst thing about the new forum

that link doesn’t work on my end.

doesn’t work for me as well

+1 for pages

today I’ve seen the little speech bubble light up and it’ll say someone has posted to a thread but I click and there’s no post from this person, just the same last post as before.

What’s this? - Shows everything you take part in right there?

was already fixed

It feels a bit weird to have replys both as a pop up under a post and separately further down in the thread. Not sure if it’s workable to just have quoting like before?

Under the post is a direct reply, for which the person you’re responding to get notified of. The bottom reply is a general thread addition. It’s really useful imo.

You still have quoting like before: just mark the text you want to quote and the rest will be obvious

Ohhh shit. you mean highlight it. crypt hints haha

Sorry. Highlight the text.

That’s actually not where he got it from.