I’m not mad that he left, I don’t care. Just wanted to see what others think
I don’t ever remember when he thought he was indispensable
Me neither. But he has an air of self-importance. Probably rightly so? Idk
this thread:
skream made good tunes, now he doesnt.
trying to end this before centipede floods this ting with 800 youtube video links
Are you saying there are 3 people that can take Skream’s place? If so, please name them
Wont have a bad word said about him he’s a blady don and the goat 140 producer
FL champion
Commodo, Gantz, Kahn, Las, Saule, James Blake, Mount Kimbie…
List goes on indefinitely tbh.
Nah only tangible contender is Commodo even then
Noone had the range of Skream
yo disco > dubstep - nah jokes fuck disco but hey skream is a don he can make whatever he wants, my brother’s mate is a house producer/dj and chills w/ skream bare, since skream aint with the 140 crew anymore and he’s in a different scene
I disagree, aside from Saule (only because he’s not as established) each of those producers have opened new doors in dubstep and already made massive contributions to the scene’s health when it needed it most. Creative, influential, and as evidenced by the hoards of copy cats, inspiring. Just as Skream was.
Yeah, JB and MK have gone to shit, but you can’t really discredit their contributions to the music.
That’s pretty cool that your bro’s friend hangs with Skream. I gotta agree stuff like Malefic shows that he still has a dark sound to his music. I honestly don’t think anyone can leave dubstep forever, and he’ll come back whenever he does.
Is it? I feel like if it was he would’ve just said his friend lol
Cool by association, then. If I could meet anyone of the 140 crew, like Benga, through my cousin’s grandma’s brother, I would still say so.
That really wasn’t what I meant, lol.
What do you mean then?
Gotta respect an artist that follows his inspiration.
Rather have experimental new developments than uninspired shovelfuls of garbage
Dunno that anything he’s actually released in the past 7-8 years is all that experimental tbh. New for him perhaps, but very much tried and tested shit, imo.
His soundcloud’s been pretty decent though, he just never puts any of the good bits out lol.